Goodbye 2019
2019, L.A. abstract artist painter Nestor Toro, Nestor Toro Artist, Nestor Toro Los Angeles Abstract ArtistWell another year has come and I continue my journey as a full-time artist. Reflecting on the past year I would like to thank all of the wonderful collectors who purchased my artwork or had a commission done!
I would also like to thank the…

Saatchi Art Holiday 2019 Catalog!
2019, contemporary art, Frontpage Article, L.A. abstract artist painter Nestor Toro, Los Angeles artist Nestor Toro, Nestor Toro Los Angeles Abstract ArtistSaatchi art is one of the biggest online fine art galleries and they represent me and expose my work to a worldwide audience - so - you can imagine how excited I was when they contacted me to tell me that my work would be included in the special…

SOLD – Forest Rhythms by Nestor Toro
2019, Sold Abstract art by Los Angeles artist, Sold Abstract Art Los Angeles, sold abstract expressionist art, Sold Artwork by Abstract Artist Nestor Toro, Sold Artwork by Los Angeles abstract artist, sold paintingsI am excited to have yet another work sold to a collector in Japan (one of my favorite countries) called Forest Rhythms. This work measures 36 x 24 inches.
It is acrylic on canvas and ready to hang! Thank you very much for collecting my art!…

Saatchi Art – “New This Week” Collection – September 16, 2019
2019, Abstract art, Art Info, contemporary art, Frontpage Article, Los Angeles artist Nestor Toro, Nestor Toro New ArtworkI am thrilled to have one of my work, Conspiring With Nature 36x60 inches be included with just 99 others chosen by the Saatchi Art galleries Chief Curator Rebecca Wilson and included in the Saatchi Art "New This Week" collection for 9-16-2019.…

Saatchi Art – “New This Week” Collection – September 9, 2019
2019, Abstract art, Art Info, Collection, contemporary art, Frontpage Article, Interesting facts, NewsWOW - I am so excited! I woke up this Monday and checked my email. I was informed that one of my works was again chosen for inclusion in the "New This Week" collection curated by Saatchi Art's chief curator Rebecca Wilson! This is an honor that…

The True Value of Art in Today’s CRAZY World
2019, Abstract art, Art Info, contemporary art, Frontpage Article, Interesting facts, Nestor Toro New Artwork
SOLD – Night Color Explosion by Nestor Toro 2019
2019, Sold Abstract art by Los Angeles artist, Sold Abstract Art Los Angeles, sold abstract expressionist art, Sold Abstract Painting, Sold Artwork by Abstract Artist Nestor Toro, Sold Artwork by Los Angeles abstract artistI was recently contacted my Jackie here in L.A. who inquired about a studio visit with her brother who was planning on visiting Los Angeles from New York. Of course, I was happy to have them over and as most collectors who visit my studio leave…

Daydream Panorama 1 by Nestor Toro – SOLD
2019, Sold Abstract Art Los Angeles, sold abstract expressionist art, Sold Artwork, Sold Artwork by Abstract Artist Nestor Toro, Sold Artwork by Los Angeles abstract artistI am happy to announce that my work Daydream Panorama 1 has been sold to David in Huston. Thank you David! This work is done in my signature drizzles style and is a triptych comprised of three 20 x 16 canvases. The advantage of a triptych like…

SOLD – Sunset Paradise (Orange Spectra) by Nestor Toro
2019, Nestor Toro Los Angeles Abstract Artist, Sold Abstract art by Los Angeles artist, Sold Abstract Art Los Angeles, sold abstract expressionist art, Sold Abstract Painting, Sold Artwork by Abstract Artist Nestor Toro, Sold Artwork by Los Angeles abstract artistI am thrilled to have this work to a collector in Hong Kong! It my second work purchased by a collector there and even more special because I was just visiting Hong Kong a few weeks ago, in June 2019 and what a magical place it is. I only hope…

SOLD – Sunny Retreat by Nestor Toro
2019, Abstract art, Painting sold, Sold Abstract art by Los Angeles artist, Sold Abstract Art Los Angeles, sold abstract expressionist art, Sold Abstract Painting, Sold ArtworkI would like to thank Dorothy from Virginia who is the new owner of Sunny Retreat. This work is nature inspired and measures 20 x 16 inches.
Contemporary abstract color field acrylic painting with lots of color blending, contrast and fine…

SOLD – Summer Daydreaming 4 by Nestor Toro
2019, Sold Abstract art by Los Angeles artist, Sold Abstract Art Los Angeles, sold abstract expressionist art, Sold Abstract Painting, Sold Artwork, Sold Artwork by Abstract Artist Nestor Toro, Sold Artwork by Los Angeles abstract artist, sold paintingsAnother collector has found my work on Saatchi art gallery and has purchased Summer Daydreaming 4 from my Summer Daydreaming series! The work has vibrant colors including red, yellow, blue, green acrylic abstract multi paneled signed and ready…

SOLD – Infinite Secrets by Nestor Toro
2019, Sold Abstract art by Los Angeles artist, Sold Abstract Art Los Angeles, sold abstract expressionist art, Sold Abstract Painting, Sold Artwork, Sold Artwork by Abstract Artist Nestor Toro, Sold Artwork by Los Angeles abstract artistI am happy to post that I have sold my work called Infinite Secrets to a collector via the Saatchi art gallery! The work is nature inspired as much of my work is. It measures Size: 17 x 47 inches. Bright colors which invoke the feeling of blossoms…